Monday, May 28, 2012

Highway Boulder Topo

The Highway Boulder

1. Highway 420, V0 - Climb the left arete.

2. Road Rage, V7 - Sit start on two sidepulls then climb straight up the face using small crimps. Powerful and fun.

3. Highway Robbery, V4 -  Climb the right arete using heel hooks and a small crimp to get out on the face then up.

Description: One of the first boulders developed on the highway this boulder doesn't have very many problems but it's short approach make it easy to stop at while coming to or from other boulders. Or for the adventurous you can keep heading in towards the power-lines to the area called "the unknown" for more boulders. The unknown has seen very little attention for quite a while but there are several good problems to be found in there.

Directions: From St. John's take the TCH west past the witless bay line, turn around at the Holyrood access road then park at the large green sign that says "St. John's 37 km". Walk up up the hill and you should be able to see the boulder once you are at the top.

Drive ~25 minutes Walk ~ 5 minutes

1 comment:

  1. The boulder is actually by the "St. John's 34km" sign:)
